Monday, May 5, 2014

The Dental School Application

This past week I had the privilege of going to a seminar about the TMDSAS application hosted by their assistant director.  The Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service is a service used by students to apply to medical, dental, and veterinary schools here in Texas.  Here are a couple of things I learned about the application:

1.     It is important to get to know your health advisor well at UT, because it is not uncommon for dental schools to call the health professions advising office to obtain feedback about students.

2.     It is necessary to send TMDSAS transcripts from every college where coursework was completed. For example, I took a summer history course through Houston Community College, so in addition to sending TMDSAS my University of Texas transcript, I must also send a transcript from HCC.

3.     Although the application opens May 1st, your application will not be processed until TMDSAS has received your spring grades, so the earliest any application will be processed is after the last day of the semester.

4.     Beginning with the entry class of 2015, a “BCPM” GPA will be calculated by TMDSAS based on biology, chemistry, physics, and math courses. This is to replace the science GPA previously used for student evaluation.

5.     Once the application is submitted, the only parts available for edit by the applicant are contact information, planned coursework, test dates, and evaluators.

I would recommend the application information session to everyone before you embark on the application journey!  The seminar was very informative and made the daunting process seem a lot more manageable.

The best of luck to everyone applying!
-Megan Short

Saturday, May 3, 2014

5 Reasons to Become a Dentist

1.    Service to Others: Help people maintain their appearance
2.    Have a flexible schedule and less time to get a degree- if you have your own practice, you can create your own schedule and spend time at home rather than in the office. Most dentists also don’t work on weekends. Furthermore, dentists don’t have to go through a residency like an M.D. does and dentists; therefore, getting a degree much faster.
3.  Be a Leader: Earn respect from your family and friends
4.  Be Creative: Use your artistic and scientific talents in many ways to help your patients

5.  Demand: Everyone needs to go to the dentist twice a year for checkups and many people go through having braces at some point in their life.

-Samir Manjee